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Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello MessoriBudget 2028–2035, Dombrovskis: "These will be challenging years"Trump Tariffs: E.U. Vows CountermeasuresFrom Monday 10 February, the European Parliament will hold a plenary sessionEU Leaders discuss defence and transatlantic relations at informal meetingDialoghi d'inverno: "Fare l'Europa, fare la pace", presentiamo il libro di Luca JahierSpinelli Group presented Project 27EU Commission presents its compass to boost Europe's competitiveness in the next five yearsSerbia: Vučević resigns after months of protestsWorld Leaders Gather To Commemorate 80th Anniversary Of Auschwitz LiberationDavos 2025: European leaders' reactions to the policies announced by TrumpCouncil of Europe launches European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025President Von der Leyen at the EP Plenary: innovation, energy, economic resilience and securityMacron et Scholz promettent une Europe forte et unieDonald Trump is sworn in as the 47th US President in the USEU defense: invitation letter by President Costa to the members of the EU CouncilIn memoria del professor Raimondo Cagiano de AzevedoPoland takes over EU Presidency for the second time in its historyRomania and Bulgaria fully join Europe’s borderless travel zoneGerman election 2025: Parties present campaign platformsFrance : Lombard doit surtout préparer dans l’urgence un budget pour 2025France : la composition du nouveau gouvernement de François Bayrou, dévoiléeLa federazione mondiale di Alcide ScarabinoTwo months of election campaign in GermanyL'esito della selezione per la visita a StrasburgoThe fall of the Assad regime and the new Syria. Doubts and prudence from Brussels and European capitalsGeorgia: anti-EU President elected as protests continueLa France a son Premier Ministre, il s'agit de François BayrouRomanian court annuls result of presidential electionRéouverture de Notre-Dame: les dirigeants du monde entier à ParisECB's Lagarde says the outlook for the Eurozone is uncertainFrance, la fin du gouvernement Barnier : Macron parlera à la nationThe conclusions adopted by Cop 29 in BakuThe new Commission wants to strengthen the institutions and processes of EU foreign and security policyVon der Leyen entrusts two experts with green and digital portfolios

Harris’s nomination for the White House has been welcomed in many EU capitals

03-08-2024 10:43


Europolitiche, Macro/Scenari, Harris Kamala, Harris nomination, Harris and white house, US elections 2024, capitali europee, Ue capitols, les leaders des pays UE, la candidature de Kamala Harris, Paris Berlin Madrid Varsavia, Kamala Harris, US Democrats ,

Harris’s nomination for the White House has been welcomed in many EU capitals

Da Berlino a Parigi, da Madrid a Varsavia, ben accolta la nomination della Harris per le elezioni USA. Meno entusiasmo nei governi UE a guida conservatrice.

EN - In important European capitals such as Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Warsaw, the news of the official nomination of the US Democrats of Kamala Harris to the race for the White House in November 2024 is welcomed as good news for two reasons:

- the first of closeness in values ​​and politics between the leaderships so far expressed in Germany, France, Spain and Poland, to limit ourselves to a comment on the large countries among the 27 of the EU

- the second lies in the belief or at least hope that a Harris presidency offers guarantees of continuity of the transatlantic and NATO strategy, agreed with the outgoing Joe Biden, of a barrier to the obvious hostilities, which have become a war for two, of the enlargement of the EU to the East by Russia autocratically governed by Putin.

A diplomatically cold farewell to Biden has been noted by conservative political groups in the EU and by the governments of countries that have governments led by politicians at the top of those groups. Just as one can detect a careful distance from the prospect of a possible rise in Washington of Kamala Harris. The installation in January 2025 of a new Democratic US administration appears from the conservative point of view more capable, compared to Trump's hostility, of strengthening the Ursula II Commission which is the exact opposite of the desires of groups that, from the right of the Strasbourg hemicycle, voted against it in mid-July.


FR - Dans d’importantes capitales européennes comme Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Varsovie, la nouvelle de la nomination officielle des démocrates américains de Kamala Harris comme candidate à la Maison Blanche en novembre 2024 est accueillie comme une bonne nouvelle pour deux raisons :

- la première de valeur et de proximité politique entre les leaderships actuellement exprimés en Allemagne, en France, en Espagne et en Pologne, pour se limiter à un commentaire sur les grands pays parmi les 27 de l'UE

- la seconde réside dans la croyance ou du moins l'espoir qu'une présidence Harris offre des garanties de continuité de la stratégie transatlantique et otanienne, convenue avec le sortant Joe Biden, pour endiguer les hostilités évidentes, devenues depuis une guerre, de l'élargissement à l'Est. de l’UE par la Russie gouvernée de manière autocratique par Poutine.

Un licenciement diplomatiquement froid de Biden a été constaté par les groupes politiques conservateurs de l’UE et par les gouvernements des pays dont les gouvernements sont dirigés par des politiciens au sommet de ces groupes. Tout comme nous pouvons détecter une certaine distance par rapport à la perspective d’une éventuelle ascension de Kamala Harris à Washington. L'installation en janvier 2025 d'une nouvelle administration américaine démocratique apparaît du point de vue conservateur plus capable, par rapport aux hostilités de Trump, de renforcer la Commission Ursula II, ce qui est exactement à l'opposé des souhaits de groupes qui, de la droite de l'hémicycle de Strasbourg, ont voté contre elle à la mi-juillet.


IT - In importanti capitali europee quali Berlino, Parigi, Madrid, Varsavia la notizia della nomination ufficiale dei Democratici statunitensi di Kamala Harris alla corsa per la Casa Bianca di novembre 2024 viene accolta come una buona notizia per due motivi: 

- il primo di prossimità valoriale e politica tra le leadearship per ora espresse in Germania, Francia, Spagna e Polonia, per limitarsi ad un commento sui grandi Paesi tra i 27 dell'UE 

- il secondo risiede nella convinzione o almeno speranza che una presidenza Harris offra garanzie di continuità della strategia transatlantica e Nato, concordata con l'uscente Joe Biden, di argine alle palesi ostilità, divenute da due una guerra, di allargamento ad Est dell'Ue da parte della Russia autocraticamente governata da Putin. 

Si è notato un congedo da Biden diplomaticamente freddo da parte dei gruppi politici conservatori nell'Ue e dei governi di Paesi che hanno governi a guida di politici ai vertici di quei gruppi.  Così come si può rilevare una accorta distanza dalla prospettiva di una eventuale ascesa a Washington di Kamala Harris. L'insediamento a gennaio del 2025 di una nuova amministrazione democratica Usa appare dal punto di vista conservatore più in grado, rispetto alle ostilità di Trump, di rafforzare la Commissione Ursula II che è l'esatto contrario dei desiderata di gruppi che, da destra dell'emiciclo di Strasburgo, le hanno votato contro a metà luglio. 


Antonio De Chiara



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